Wooden Inlay
Title: Dreamy Frame different type of natural wood Year: 2011 Media: Wooden Inlay, Interlace and Carving Size: 35 x 35 Cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Sultan different type of natural wood Year: 2011 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 70 x 100 Cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Hunting More the 4000 pcs of different type of natural wood Year: 2008 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 90 x 60 cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Norouz in Pasargard More than 1500 pcs of different type of natural wood Year: 2004 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 90 x 65 cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Youz Year: 2007 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 90 x 65 cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Rest More than 4000 pcs of different type of natural wood Year: 2008 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 152 x 123 Cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Egyptain Carpet Bazar More than 5000 pcs of different type of natural wood Year: 2008 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 152 x 123 Cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Valentine different type of natural wood Year: 1998 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 50 x 70 Cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher
Title: Once Upon a Time different type of natural wood Year: 1999 Media: Wooden Inlay Size: 50 x 70 Cm Artist: Hanieh Mohammad Bagher